private stay at the heart of a beautiful landscape

In Portugal’s lush gree­n­ery, this con­tem­po­ra­ry vil­la is being built, enti­re­ly in line with the con­cept of “well-being”, with space for per­so­nal needs far away from mass tou­rism. Loca­ted on the Vicen­ti­na coast of Por­tu­gal, in the midst of lush gree­n­ery and bet­ween two bea­ches, is Espar­tal, right next to the Alje­zur natu­re reser­ve. We cho­se this spot for a reason: we wan­ted to crea­te an idyll of a spe­cial kind for our­sel­ves and our guests. The pic­tures­que set­ting with the wide view over the Alje­zur val­ley is an excep­tio­nal “loca­ti­on” for anyo­ne who wants to escape from ever­y­day life for a short or long time.

For us, exclu­si­ve­ness is not luxu­ry, but a place for per­so­nal wis­hes and needs far away from mass tou­rism. In line with the con­cept of “Well Being”, we have crea­ted vil­la ama­roo, a place that offers a spe­cial time with fami­ly or fri­ends. Acti­vi­ties such as yoga on one of the roof ter­races, sur­fing on Portugal’s most beau­tiful bea­ches or hiking in natu­re — all this can be enjoy­ed by our guests.

private stay at the heart of a beautiful landscape

In Portugal’s lush gree­n­ery, this con­tem­po­ra­ry vil­la is being built, enti­re­ly in line with the con­cept of “well-being”, with space for per­so­nal needs far away from mass tou­rism. Loca­ted on the Vicen­ti­na coast of Por­tu­gal, in the midst of lush gree­n­ery and bet­ween two bea­ches, is Espar­tal, right next to the Alje­zur natu­re reser­ve. We cho­se this spot for a reason: we wan­ted to crea­te an idyll of a spe­cial kind for our­sel­ves and our guests. The pic­tures­que set­ting with the wide view over the Alje­zur val­ley is an excep­tio­nal “loca­ti­on” for anyo­ne who wants to escape from ever­y­day life for a short or long time.

For us, exclu­si­ve­ness is not luxu­ry, but a place for per­so­nal wis­hes and needs far away from mass tou­rism. In line with the con­cept of “Well Being”, we have crea­ted vil­la ama­roo, a place that offers a spe­cial time with fami­ly or fri­ends. Acti­vi­ties such as yoga on one of the roof ter­races, sur­fing on Portugal’s most beau­tiful bea­ches or hiking in natu­re — all this can be enjoy­ed by our guests.

In today’s busy and often stressful world, our aim was to crea­te a place of to crea­te a retre­at for tho­se see­king peace and quiet with a sen­se of luxu­ry inte­ri­or design. Alre­a­dy during the design pha­se, the vil­la ama­roo was con­cei­ved with the hig­hest fle­xi­bi­li­ty in mind.

With careful con­side­ra­ti­on, the flo­or plan is com­po­sed of two flo­ors, with a total of 4 bed­rooms with 4 Ensuite bath­rooms, a spa­cious light-floo­ded living as well as coo­king and dining area. The inte­ri­or con­cept com­ple­tes with 4 spa­cious ter­races, which open the spec­ta­cu­lar views to the sun­ri­se and the moun­ta­ins of the natu­ral park.

A plea­sant­ly warm stay — even in the win­ter months — is gua­ran­teed by under­flo­or hea­ting throug­hout the pro­per­ty and the hea­ted pool. Each room is fur­nis­hed with high qua­li­ty and has its own bath­room. A mix­tu­re of ele­gant indi­vi­du­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red fur­ni­tu­re and natu­ral tex­tures com­ple­tes the chic yet com­for­ta­ble inte­ri­or design.

A sepa­ra­ted stu­dio on the lower level of the vil­la forms a sepa­ra­te unit, which we as owners use our­sel­ves from time to time in agree­ment with our guests. The vil­la com­bi­nes a very high stan­dard from inte­ri­ors to the exte­ri­or design inclu­ding the pool area and thus beca­me one of the most exclu­si­ve luxu­ry vil­las of its kind in Espartal.

In today’s busy and often stressful world, our aim was to crea­te a place of to crea­te a retre­at for tho­se see­king peace and quiet with a sen­se of luxu­ry inte­ri­or design. Alre­a­dy during the design pha­se, the vil­la ama­roo was con­cei­ved with the hig­hest fle­xi­bi­li­ty in mind.

With careful con­side­ra­ti­on, the flo­or plan is com­po­sed of two flo­ors, with a total of 4 bed­rooms with 4 Ensuite bath­rooms, a spa­cious light-floo­ded living as well as coo­king and dining area. The inte­ri­or con­cept com­ple­tes with 4 spa­cious ter­races, which open the spec­ta­cu­lar views to the sun­ri­se and the moun­ta­ins of the natu­ral park.

A plea­sant­ly warm stay — even in the win­ter months — is gua­ran­teed by under­flo­or hea­ting throug­hout the pro­per­ty and the hea­ted pool. Each room is fur­nis­hed with high qua­li­ty and has its own bath­room. A mix­tu­re of ele­gant indi­vi­du­al­ly manu­fac­tu­red fur­ni­tu­re and natu­ral tex­tures com­ple­tes the chic yet com­for­ta­ble inte­ri­or design.

A sepa­ra­ted stu­dio on the lower level of the vil­la forms a sepa­ra­te unit, which we as owners use our­sel­ves from time to time in agree­ment with our guests. The vil­la com­bi­nes a very high stan­dard from inte­ri­ors to the exte­ri­or design inclu­ding the pool area and thus beca­me one of the most exclu­si­ve luxu­ry vil­las of its kind in Espartal.


A dyna­mic archi­tec­tu­re was desi­gned on a hills­i­de plot with ori­en­ta­ti­on towards the sun­ri­se and sun­set, which has its cha­rac­ter due to the shape of the plot. The faca­de, which is lar­ge­ly clo­sed to the north and south, forms an area of retre­at for the bed­rooms on the ground and upper flo­ors with atta­ched bathrooms.

On the east and west sides gene­rous win­dows as high as the cei­lings open up the house to the ter­race and gar­den with its spa­cious pool, allo­wing the insi­de to mer­ge with the out­side. The core of the house is the spa­cious living and dining room with prac­ti­cal and cus­tom-made fix­tures and fit­tings. High-qua­li­ty, dura­ble mate­ri­als com­bi­ne with natu­ral ele­ments to crea­te a uni­que well-being character.


A dyna­mic archi­tec­tu­re was desi­gned on a hills­i­de plot with ori­en­ta­ti­on towards the sun­ri­se and sun­set, which has its cha­rac­ter due to the shape of the plot. The faca­de, which is lar­ge­ly clo­sed to the north and south, forms an area of retre­at for the bed­rooms on the ground and upper flo­ors with atta­ched bathrooms.

On the east and west sides gene­rous win­dows as high as the cei­lings open up the house to the ter­race and gar­den with its spa­cious pool, allo­wing the insi­de to mer­ge with the out­side. The core of the house is the spa­cious living and dining room with prac­ti­cal and cus­tom-made fix­tures and fit­tings. High-qua­li­ty, dura­ble mate­ri­als com­bi­ne with natu­ral ele­ments to crea­te a uni­que well-being character.

beach & around

Espar­tal its­elf is the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence living clo­se to natu­re. Hiking through the hills, cycling, explo­ring the spec­ta­cu­lar sce­n­ery, sur­fing on the bea­ches or sim­ply app­re­cia­ting the pro­tec­ted natio­nal park among a varie­ty of flowers, trees, bus­hes as well as many spe­ci­es of birds.

Espar­tal its­elf is the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence living clo­se to natu­re. Hiking through the hills, cycling, explo­ring the spec­ta­cu­lar sce­n­ery, sur­fing on the bea­ches or sim­ply app­re­cia­ting the pro­tec­ted natio­nal park among a varie­ty of flowers, trees, bus­hes as well as many spe­ci­es of birds.

Near­by Alje­zur is just a 10-minu­te dri­ve away and offers all the main shop­ping faci­li­ties as well as local cafes, excel­lent restau­rants, bars and the town mar­ket, which has an excel­lent sel­ec­tion of local produce.

The Sou­thern Algar­ve is only a 45-minu­te dri­ve away and offers a wide ran­ge of shop­ping and recrea­tio­nal faci­li­ties as well as many golf cour­ses. Some beau­tiful coas­tal towns such as Lagos, Faro or Por­timão are worth a visit. Also the­se bea­ches offer best pos­si­bi­li­ties for sun­bathing and swimming.

beach & around

Espar­tal its­elf is the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence living clo­se to natu­re. Hiking through the hills, cycling, explo­ring the spec­ta­cu­lar sce­n­ery, sur­fing on the bea­ches or sim­ply app­re­cia­ting the pro­tec­ted natio­nal park among a varie­ty of flowers, trees, bus­hes as well as many spe­ci­es of birds.

Espar­tal its­elf is the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence living clo­se to natu­re. Hiking through the hills, cycling, explo­ring the spec­ta­cu­lar sce­n­ery, sur­fing on the bea­ches or sim­ply app­re­cia­ting the pro­tec­ted natio­nal park among a varie­ty of flowers, trees, bus­hes as well as many spe­ci­es of birds.

Near­by Alje­zur is just a 10-minu­te dri­ve away and offers all the main shop­ping faci­li­ties as well as local cafes, excel­lent restau­rants, bars and the town mar­ket, which has an excel­lent sel­ec­tion of local produce.

The Sou­thern Algar­ve is only a 45-minu­te dri­ve away and offers a wide ran­ge of shop­ping and recrea­tio­nal faci­li­ties as well as many golf cour­ses. Some beau­tiful coas­tal towns such as Lagos, Faro or Por­timão are worth a visit. Also the­se bea­ches offer best pos­si­bi­li­ties for sun­bathing and swimming.


We have been spen­ding our vaca­ti­on time in Portugal’s Algar­ve for years. Imme­dia­te­ly we fell in love with the hil­ly coun­try­si­de and its tran­quil­li­ty, the beau­tiful bea­ches with hid­den bea­ches and the rocky cliff landscape.

Sin­ce then, not a year has gone by wit­hout long walks on the beach on Portugal’s west coast. In this won­derful place we rech­ar­ge our energy.

As the owner of ama­roo con­cept, a fresh and approacha­ble end-to-end design stu­dio that covers all aspects of resi­den­ti­al and com­mer­cial design, from con­cept to com­ple­ti­on, it was natu­ral to crea­te a pas­si­on pro­ject in this spe­cial place.

The vil­la ama­roo was born — now our favou­ri­te place to share with other love­ly peo­p­le on vacation.

Urb Do Espartal 68
LT 8670–119 Aljezur

+ 49 177 4232878


We have been spen­ding our vaca­ti­on time in Portugal’s Algar­ve for years. Imme­dia­te­ly we fell in love with the hil­ly coun­try­si­de and its tran­quil­li­ty, the beau­tiful bea­ches with hid­den bea­ches and the rocky cliff landscape.

Sin­ce then, not a year has gone by wit­hout long walks on the beach on Portugal’s west coast. In this won­derful place we rech­ar­ge our energy.

As the owner of ama­roo con­cept, a fresh and approacha­ble end-to-end design stu­dio that covers all aspects of resi­den­ti­al and com­mer­cial design, from con­cept to com­ple­ti­on, it was natu­ral to crea­te a pas­si­on pro­ject in this spe­cial place.

The vil­la ama­roo was born — now our favou­ri­te place to share with other love­ly peo­p­le on vacation.

Urb Do Espartal 68
LT 8670–119 Aljezur

+ 49 177 4232878